
Monday, August 8, 2011

Night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you"

Good Morning,

First mouse must apologize to her loyal readers for the abrupt absence from blogging.   It truly was nothing personal and came about first, by being busy and secondly, being bored.   Not at all bored with Daddy, but we've aettled comfortably into a routine. To keep repeating how wonderful it all is, seemed, well, dull.   There's really been little angst and a major deepening of submissives feelings that have frankly turned mouse upside-down.

See, when mouse started this journey she had these notions of what being a slave was.  What it was about and how it should be.  Some of what she thought was spot on, it's not about abuse or being Domineered but being guided along a path to personal perfection.  Perfection is a bad word, but to be honest it fits because when you hand your life over to someone else, you have to know they will change things about you they find unappealing.  What's worse, you'll find yourself craving those changes as well -- as if to say yes there is MORE!

More that mouse can be.  Daddy saw it so very clearly and it's taken mouse a couple years now to catch up to him.  Now she sees it.  This mouse today is quieter, happier and more contented than she EVER thought possible, her mind no longer races from subject to subject but can focus on a task or two.  Seeing them through to completion and preparing herself for the next part.  This inner peace is amazing and yes, she's making Master seem like a god-like man for bestowing his gift of Dominance into her life.  Really, it's sounding cultish, and mouse hates that!  It's just that mouse now understands her purpose so much clearer than before and relishes that sense of clarity Daddy has brought to her life.  He has guided her into being what he needs.

What is it that he needs?  A woman who is confident enough to let him lead her.  A woman who can allow herself to be as feminine as she can be, while at the same time quietly demand attention from others.  To forgive herself for not being "perfect" because she is anyway, along as she belongs to him.  Of course this is what Daddy wanted and other men might have different ideas.  Daddy's own ideas might change as time passes, who knows?  Who cares?  We are right now.

The past is done, the future is laid out before us all and all we really have is today.


  1. "The past is done, the future is laid out before us all and all we really have is today."

    Well said and welcome back!

  2. "A woman who is confident enough to let him lead her. A woman who can allow herself to be as feminine as she can be, while at the same time quietly demand attention from others. To forgive herself for not being "perfect" because she is anyway, along as she belongs to him."

    Beautiful! I believe that's what Chess wants too, it's hard for me to accept that perfection part, but I'm working on it.

    What a beautiful post, mouse.

  3. So glad you are back. I have missed your voice.

    Isn't it wonderful when life falls into place? I am happy to hear you two are doing so well.


  4. Welcome back mouse! You've been sorely missed but I am so happy for you! You seem so content -and calm! I envy you.
    Keep going strong mouse =)

  5. I did miss you mouse. I thought about you the other day but figured you were spending time with Omega or were just busy. What with the weather being nice and all I can't blame anyone for wanting to spend time outside.

    It is nice to know that you are still around and your lack of posts is for a good reason. I hope that you continue on this plan and look forward to future posts.

  6. Mouse,
    I think happiness is a very good reason for being quiet also - in real life, or here. I'm glad for you both.

  7. Excellent, sweet mouse! So happy for you.

    I have missed you and am pleased to know that all is well.

    Hugs to you,

  8. lil - thanks, mouse thought about that line for a

    Alice - it isn't easy, there's a lot of mental stuff to shed, but it's not as scary as mouse thought it would be.

    mindset - yes, it is! It's wonderful feeling happy.

    Sweet girl - really do feel calm, centered and very happy!

    Lissa - believe it or not for the most part mouse missed blogging too. And no plans to go away anytime soon...

    greengirl - yep and feeling very confident and happy.

    Donna - yes, really hadn't planned on being away for very long, but work got busy and there was vacation....time just flies!!!

    Thank you all for your comments!

  9. Mouse~ This was beautiful! You described submission so perfectly! Thank you!

    I can completely understand and relate to what you are feeling at the moment. :-)

  10. Perfection is what we make of it. I do strive for it though. I find myself thinking "wow, I had a perfect day. No spanking, not even a warning!" Then, if I get into trouble at bedtime I feel like my world has fallen apart. I'd like to stops measuring each day by the standards yet still I do it. The good thing is that my man does not. He helps me see that even if he has to punish me my day can still be a good one.
    I'm so happy for you, finding contentment as you grow into his expectations.

  11. Nice to hear from you again mouse. You don't sound cultish to me, sounds great that you two are seeing the same future and enjoying life together xo :)

  12. Welcome back mouse. I am so happy for you that you are so happy and content.

  13. I am so happy for the both of you and it seems you and Stormy both have said things that speak from my own heart : being guided along a path to personal perfection. Just so right on the head. Hugs


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