
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mr Blue Sky

 Mr. Blue Sky please tell us why

You had to hide away for so long (so long)

Where did we go wrong?

Well, when this post was begun the blue sky was gorgeous, then the clouds rolled in and we returned to cool temperatures. It's ironic that in a month we'll probably be collectively complaining about the excessive heat and dreaming of autumn. Maybe we're just all ungrateful? That's been the new motto, to be grateful for everything. Expressing gratitude for the little and big things and even being grateful for the not-so-good since there are always lessons to be learned from those too. Master is doing well, and mouse is feeling tightly controlled. There's a lot of comfort in that feeling. 

It's not lost on mouse that she's been exceedingly quiet of late. It's not for the lack of wanting to post, rather the good time to sit and contemplate what to say. Here's how it goes: mouse will be doing some task, and the thought will pop into her head that she should blog about this. Then much later, she's settled with a glass of iced tea, chores completed and reaches for the laptop only to discover it's dead. Sighing she plugs it in, and goes about some chores -- it's easy to find something to do.  

Later Master asks why is the laptop plugged in and mouse stares at the now fully charged light and mumbles something or other about the blog. Then a week passes another idea creeps into her head and the cycle repeats. At last a spare moment presents itself, and then mouse stares at the blinking cursor. What do you say? Does anyone even care? Or has this blog been long forgotten? Has everyone moved on? 

Our relationship looks much the same as it always had. We've changed though. Life in the country, fresh eggs, family close by -- it's weird and comfortable for us. Outwardly our lives must seem vanilla. Away from prying eyes, then it's different. We have new rules that we live our lives by. Winters are long, dark, gloomy, cold rainy, snowy and windy. We decided that we're taking advantage of the good weather (or somewhat good weather) every chance we can. Master has a stack of books to read, He said He'll read when it is storming and mouse has an endless supply of magazines to look at. We've been working hard getting everything prepared for winter also. Master has readied the house, had the wood stove and fireplace cleaned, our outside yard/garden projects are winding down. Leaves are dropping and when mouse complained about them being tracked into the house, Master shushed her reminding her now, it's the leaves, next will be the mud and snow. He's got a point, at least the leaves can be picked up. 

We've taken long walks (almost dare we say hikes) in the area, and Master enjoys fishing in the nearby river. All too soon, winter will be upon us so, we're just determined to soak up every bit of outside until we just can't anymore. Soon the ceiling fan will be turned off and extra blankets will be piled onto the beds (which is a reminder to mouse they need to be washed). Next week, we're taking a couple days and visiting a couple Master knows, they're Master and slave but their lives are very different, they don't have kids or family around and are able to live their dream life. 

Maybe that'll be something to write about when we return? 


  1. Hi Mouse, it's so good to see you here! Yes, we are still here, and we care :)

    Glad to hear things seem to be going smoothly. Enjoy the weather while you can. We are in spring and the weather is all over the place. Beautiful one day, wet and cold the next.


  2. Glad to hear that things are well with you and your family. Hope your visit goes well and I would love to hear about it. All the best to you and yours.

  3. Of course you were missed mouse! I’m so glad you’re happy and content.


  4. I'm always happy to hear what you have to say, and I did miss your posts. I hope you enjoyed your time away. Happy Thanksgiving!



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