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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

With Your Nerves in Tatters

Usually we're better organized than this. Monday morning was a school/work holiday so even Master was home. Quietly mouse rummaged around the kitchen and made note of things we needed at the market as she usually does before she goes shopping. Master has said there was nothing extra He needed or wanted. Our daughter had a request of glitter (pink glitter). Well, glitter is one of those things we don't buy because it's harmful to the environment.

"We can go next weekend," mouse offered.

"No," the small child explained, "I need it before then."

"There is no such thing as a glitter emergency." mouse explained standing firm that the glitter can wait.

The child paused for a moment and then said, "It's for your birthday card."

Oh is that all, mouse felt relieved, "that's nice, we'll go next weekend there's plenty of time before that."

That's when our child grabbed mouse by the arm and growing very impatient with her mother, dragged her to the calendar on the fridge (it was covered partially by gold starred school papers) and rather hotly pointed.

"Your birthday is Saturday!"

Now at this point Master came in, wondering what the commotion was about.

"Didn't you say that you invited your family to Thanksgiving?" mouse said very slowly almost in disbelief.

"Yes, I did, as far as I know everyone is coming....Why?" He asked.

"Thanksgiving is next week!"

"No, that's not right, your birthday is the 17th so thanksgiving is more than a couple weeks away." He said with some assurance.

"It's on Saturday." Our daughter said, clearly annoyed with the adults in the house that are supposed to be on top this kind of stuff.

"Thanksgiving is on the 22nd this year!" Now the panic was rising in mouse's voice, "next weekend the stores will be packed!"

Master kept looking at the calendar as if the date would suddenly change, while checking His phone (like maybe it was wrong).

Meanwhile mouse went to the computer and started printing off recipes of things she usually makes and for good measure printed off last year's shopping list.

Better to notice it this week than next week. Master was quiet and we're probably both thinking the same thing, His mother would be the one driving us crazy about it -- because she always did for every holiday.

Master made a few quick phone calls and text messages and then repeated we'll be 25 including kids. Meanwhile mouse was calculating amounts, we'll need and since we need to eat for the next several days those meals too. Two of Master's relatives will be arriving on Wednesday and leaving on Sunday so there's those meals to plan for as well. This whole thing took us completely by surprise. 


Jz said...

The holidays really can go ninja some years, can't they?

Thank goodness for glitter needs! :-)

Roz said...

Hi Mouse,

It's amazing how quickly time flies and events creep up on us. Thank goodness for your daughter! Sounds like you have things under control:)


Genna said...

Babygirl sounds like a sweetheart.... pink glitter for mums bday card.... mehhhhh bless her little heart!! Good luck on thanksgiving... YOU GOT THIS MOUSE!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading from the very first post. Thank you for sharing your ongoing journey, from the deeply M/s posts to this very vanilla (and relatable) post. I've learned so much from you and Omega about how honesty and vulnerability can deepen a relationship.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday mouse!!
