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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Observations of a slave

Good morning dear friends,

We hope this finds you healthy and safe.

So far we have managed to stay healthy and our two weeks of being sequestered has ended, allowing mouse to move about the community. This is certainly a strange time for everyone. Schools have employed what they call "distance learning" and they haven't a clue how distant we are. Master is "distance working" and mouse has settled into a routine of just serving being useful to Master, which is nice since there is no distance between us.

It requires things to change, on top of all our other changes, and change is hard for some but really for mouse it isn't very difficult. Change has always been part of her life and adapting to various changes is part of it. Sometimes the changes aren't a big deal and there is still a huge pushback from the slave. This time, with all the virus uncertainty there isn't any, at all. Master doesn't drive or escort her to the store and she travels alone, which before was unsettling, but this time around, it's not a bother in the least. it's what she needs to do to keep everyone safe.

That includes Master, who is suffering probably more. While He isn't a Man that is the life of party, or needs to be around crowds of people, He enjoys listening to live music, or going out to dinner or drinks out. He doesn't mind crowded spaces like parks or beaches (or the lake). He is good at ignoring others. He enjoys His sports, chatting with colleagues about work and now there's just none of that. We've dragged out every puzzle we own, set up the small card table and set to work, as long as no one foolishly opens a window (mouse) things are good.

Of course, learning a puzzle piece is missing makes Him a little salty.

Meanwhile, mouse has been keeping herself occupied with cooking (which is a challenge), cleaning and the shrinking laundry pile. Strange, it's like no one in the house is really wearing clothing. Ok, that's not right but they're just not changing their clothes as they normally would. Our second week at the lake passed and mouse ventured out to get food. It's almost amazing how stressful that felt, after not leaving for two weeks, going out to the store felt different as though one might be taking a risk. Returning home, putting everything away and then, having it mostly picked through by everyone in the house.

There's been a shift in the way He manages. It used to be Master would hand mouse a sum of money, and say simply, "make it work." Making it work was often a challenge, augmented by meals out at times or times when He'd offer to just pick up a meal because the protein wasn't yet defrosted (which the slave might be subjected to punishment for, but that's another story).Since all this has started, the stores prices have gone up a little, but also many shelves are empty, which adds a different complication to the process and the added stress of Grocery Store Bingo, where you wonder, what will they have this week? Since this last shopping trip, mouse had zero expectations of what the store might have, she went with a mental recipe book in her head. Which led to a lot of running back and forth -- searching for the extras needed to make whatever recipe work. It's not just planning for dinner, but breakfast, and lunches too, since everyone is eating every meal at home. There are a few places that offer take-out meals, but we haven't felt the need to venture in that way.

The new way is that Master has given mouse a debit card, because He doesn't want her handling cash, and sends her to the market with a detailed list of things we need or just want to have. Everyone has been chipping in, writing things they'd like on ever growing list. It's a huge help and limits surprises. Of course, if a favorite brand isn't available, mouse can substitute for a different brand, or leave it for the next shopping trip. He was amazed at how much mouse spent on the last trip (nearly $300), and how quickly some of the new stuff went. Really no one in this house ever eats that many apples, unless they're all baked into a pie. The fear is that next week, she'll buy more and they'll sit until they are baked into a pie.

Maybe that's plan? 


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear y’all are safe and healthy! I am still at our Doll’s but Daddy is safe at home. Only 10 more days and I’ll join him; Doll will weather the rest of her shelter in place alone. I’ve been here 7 weeks so far 😏 We have been doing so much baking!!

Stay safe,

Roz said...

Hi Mouse,

I enjoyed reading this. Glad you are all doing well. It is a strange and challenging and somewhat stressful time. Especially shopping! Most of us have had to make changes and that is hard. Plus missing the things we used to be able to do. I have vowed never to take those things for granted again.

We have been under tight lockdown measures here, but it has proven to have worked well in battling and containing the virus. We now move to a slightly lower level of restrictions from next Tuesday.
