Tomorrow Daddy begins his journey home! It's about time, don't you think? Who knows if we'll even recognize him. Of course, mouse is giddy with excitement. How could she not be? The last several days have just been miserable. Thank you everyone for sticking with mouse.
Thank you also for all the Lurkers who stopped by yesterday. You're all awesome! Many of you were possibly just happy that mouse allowed comments. There was also a milestone of sorts. Yesterday was our 1000th post! That's a lot of words from mostly mouse (pun intended). Yes, we're happy again.
Thursday at some point, he'll finally be home -- late. Might be too late for a cocktail....little snack? Maybe a hot bath with candles? Men don't get the candle thing -- last time mouse lit candles he asked if she was trying start a fire. Of course with a Dom, there's always a chance he'll grab one and use it against mouse. It's happened before.
Just can't wait for him to come home!
i'm sure your Daddy is smiling too. i'm so happy for you, mouse! :D
Oh good news mouse! I'm glad he's on the way :) I missed the LOL day, I was once quite a lurker here, and now somewhat of a rambling commenter. ha ha! Congrats on the 1000th post!
Go for the candles - I know think my "H" gets them either as far as the ambiance thing goes.
YAY! Glad to see you happy again mouse!
I hate it when my Master works out of town, worse is knowing that he hates it too, but the feeling I get when he walks through the door with his bags in hand...
I'm happy to hear yours will be back tomorrow!
Great news for you all, indeed something to smile about.
1000, i think that deserves a glass of wine (or 2), i shall have one as well....i need a good reason!
Light those candles, they're a beacon. I would - my husband thinks I'm a pyromaniac anyway :)
Really glad to know Omega is on his way.
Daddy is all smiles, he can't wait until he's home. Said he wants to sleep in his own bed. Maybe he just misses his favorite pillow (mouse).
Yes, going with lots of candles! Glad you stopped by Emi! Thanks
Thanks so much -- it's been hard on mouse this time. Probably because he was so out of touch -- and gone so long.
It's not easy on either of us. When he walks through the door -- can't even think about how good it will feel!
Yep having one right now....thanks Tori. Hope you enjoyed yours!
He said mouse has latent pyromaniac tendency. :-/ seriously, can't wait until he's home.
Put a scarf on your head to look like a Yente (spelling?) to welcome him home?
Oh that's a funny image! you made mouse giggle
Well I'm late! But hopefully that means that your Omega is home! Happy for you both
I giggled at the candles part, Sir is definitely guilty of that one
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