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Monday, September 20, 2010

What is a typical day like for you?

Thanks again heatherone again for a wonderful question

Day begins around 5:30 in the morning I wake go downstairs, blog or work, look over the day's schedule and look at Omega's schedule, I'll forward important things to his blackberry. Then around 6:15 I wake Omega, get his shower things organized. Make the bed. Then go downstairs and make O's breakfast.

Over breakfast we go over the day's agenda, organize what mouse will do, and stuff like that. He'll provide lists of things I need to do for the week or day. We discuss the list. We usually run into the basement for a quick maintenance.

I then run to the gym to exercise, and return home to shower and see Omega leave for work. Then I start tackling the daily chores, emptying the dishwasher, starting laundry if needed...that kind of stuff. I also shower, and dress for the day.

Now it varies depending on what I need to do. If I have a meeting...I'll do that but if not, I'll work with "A" for a few hours on his homeschooling stuff. Some days he goes to the speech therapist (3x per week), other days he goes to an art class or swimming lessons those are done after math and science work. I usually do errands while he's doing that.

Usually it's lunch time (around 1PM) when we're done with that stuff, more school work (quiet stuff so I can work while he works), then we do reading together. He ends the day working on his typing on O's laptop, while I work. Then he's free to play or do whatever he wants and I work...meanwhile I'm doing laundry or whatever needs to be done. With the exception of a few chores he must complete. We usually walk the dog around 3.

More work, then I start cooking dinner depending on how long it will take, usually a couple hours, so I start that around 5. I sort the mail and place it by O's spot at the table. O comes home around 7, so dinner is on the table when he walks through the door.

Then I clean-up, O actually helps with this, and he takes out the trash. I go through the weeks recipes, and read up on the one for the next day gathering those ingredients together, making note on anything we're missing (which could mean a thrashing from O). Doing some prep work for that meal, if needed.

Hopefully that doesn't take too long and I'll sit on the sofa going through recipe ideas for future weeks (O's been very encouraging about this). Sometimes I'll go online and chat for bit if O's watching football, or hockey or whatever...Two nights a week tho, I get to watch TV usually Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Around 11 we go to bed and he likes watching the news, while I do my evening rituals. If we get up there earlier I'll even have time for a quick soak in the tub. But for any of those things (unless he suggests them) I must ask his permission. My rituals include various tasks, but after each one I must say that I do it for my Master. The rituals have evolved somewhat and seem to be ever changing.

I'm usually asleep right after I do my rituals, unless he wants something more and he turns off the TV sometime after midnight.

Again thanks for a wonderful question!



Vesta said...

mouse: Wow! I had it in my mind that you worked outside of the house. It must have been my over vivid imagination making up stuff again.

I notice that recipes are a big thing at this time. Are you making an extra special effort to plan ahead? My husband has tried to get me to do this - to plan ahead for the week - but I still tend to run out most days and collect the special things I need for a recipe. One concession I have made is that I do that earlier in the day, incorporating other errands, and when I come home I am home for the rest of the day most days, which I like. I guess that spontaneity allows me to be creative or at least, that is my excuse!

ronnie said...

You have a very busy early morning.

A couple of questions if I may Mouse.

What's your favourite type of music?
What's a favourite dish you like to prefer for Omega?


Alujna said...

thanks for that wonderful insight into your life. It makes a great example for us newbies :). althought i know each experience is differnt; thanks for letting us in.

mouse said...


No, not a vivid imagination, but I used to work outside the home, but when A required homeschooling, I decided to work more from home. I'm working to balance outside clients with office ones. I still go to the office for meetings, or to meet with clients.

O was truly getting weary with me running around and cooking the same old thing (like my famous over cooked chicken, with a veggies, and whatever) or just a pot of pasta with sauce dumped over it. We literally had a house full of food but nothing was getting eaten except for the same old stuff. My go to things that can be made almost as an afterthought.

Its not like I don't have a million recipe books, and family recipes, it's just that I'd get an idea to make something and discover I was out of something and say forget it...and go back to the same old...

Eventually Omega sat me down and asked what the problem was...After talking a few minutes we discovered I have serious organizational deficits. LOL. So he had me start planning meals from recipes instead of just throwing things together, that way I can visually write down the the things we need, make sure I have enough.

It's really saved on the running to the store at the last minute, and helped out because O is happier with the meals I cook. I get huge compliments.

it's really been helpful.


mouse said...


Music that's complicated...Everything from the Grateful Dead to Black Sabbath. Then I love Jazz (O really loves jazz), Sinatra, Dean Martin, Big Band stuff, classical.

I listen to music every morning...LOL...Just depends on my mood.

Favorite dishes???? Ugh..I would have to say I love cooking Italian food, and Mexican food. During the fall and winter months, I love making hearty stews and soups...Pot roast season is starting soon...LOL...I make a great Italian pot roast with porcini mushrooms and cippolini onions. Little red wine and let it roast for a couple hours...YUM....

Serve it over polenta...and it's mmmmmmm

It's a favorite dish to cook for friends.

Omega loves fish, and I'm allergic to it, but I do cook it for him at least a couple times a week. It's hard to
cook something when you don't know exactly how it tastes, so for that I do rely heavily on recipes.


mouse said...


Every dynamic is different...this seems to work well for Omega and I.


ronnie said...


You must let me have your recipe for the Italian Post Roast, sounds delicious.

Don't know Grateful Dead but Black Sabbath now your taking :) and the rat pack I love.

Thank you Mouse.


Richard said...

Mouse:Excellent work. Would you mind if I shared your wonderful post in my own blog ? If you are worried about the privacy issue, I could modify names mentioned in your post.

Omega said...


Perhaps you could provide me with the URL of your journal so that I might have a look.

You may mention mouse's work on your journal and provide the appropriate linkage directing viewer back to her journal. I would prefer that you not simply lift her words and paste them anywhere.


pan said...

Thanks a lot for your reply.
Actully, it's a presonal space,the acess to which is limited by verification requirement, rather than a public journal. The link is
If you are not worring about the privacy issue, I will definitely provide a direct linkage towards here in my post.As a matter of fact,all the sources of the past posts there have been well listed.

Omega said...


You are welcome.