Daddy is normally very calm, except when he knows he must travel somewhere. He worries about all the little details. It some ways it makes mouse giggle a little, watching him with his lists and packing. It gives mouse a rare chance to calm him. Having things he'll need, nicely organized by mouse helps him calm. Knowing he has everything.
Like his favorite suit cleaned, shoes polished, shaving kit and then mouse watches him pack -- it's amazing to watch, because he's a pro. He fits so much into that case. He shares his technique with mouse. Somehow she can never do that as well as Daddy does. Yes, it's fun to him to see how well mouse can pack -- just for fun, mouse isn't going anywhere.
It calms him to know he's ready for a trip, he can handle things that are out of his control -- if all the things that are within his control are ok.
Tonight, he'll watch the baby trick or treat, we've been practicing and she's so excited. It's fun.
Happy Halloween!
Enjoy your trick-or-treating, Mouse!
Packing...H is so much better at the feat than I am and it is a lot of fun to watch him fit various things into a suitcase like one giant puzzle ;)
I love reading your blog because it makes me notice things. When P packs his laptop bag, the cables are all neatly wound up and everything has its place. Even his handkerchief arrives immaculately folded as if it had come straight from the ironing pile. Me, I'm a stuffer and bunger when it comes to packing. Everything arrives wrinkled and messed up.
Happy Halloween.
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