There are times when mouse is certainly required to blog and she's not a clue what to say.
- The family is feeling much better and Daddy's returned to sleeping with mouse without incident.
Today isthe final day that you can participate in Jz's (online) cookie (recipe) exchange andPlease contact Jz through her blog here
It was horribly windy here last couple days, complete with power outages and debris hitting the house. Early in the morning Sunday Daddy who sleeps through anything woke rather suddenly when something hard hit the side of our home. Immediately he covered mouse with his body in an effort to protect her. The painting behind our bed fell. The nail just knocked from the wall, causing the painting to fall, hitting the headboard before landing on his back.
Daddy got dressed and went outside to survey the damage (despite mouse trying to ask him to wait until later). A tree limb fell or was propelled toward out house leaving behind a broken fence and a rather large divot.
This is why mouse hates trees, because quite frankly they're out to get her.
Despite the windy conditions he repaired the fence all before breakfast -- he won't have large animals wandering into our backyard or our dogs wandering/chasing things out of it. Since the tree technically is on our property he cut it down, so now there will not be a repeat performance and chopped up what left for firewood (well once it dries). The tree has been an issue for sometime.
Still, for mouse there was something wildly romantic about it all. Demonstrating his base desire to keep mouse safe and to ensure the safety of our family. The caveman side of Omega -- that's always there but we don't see very often.
It was all kinda amusing. Once the tree was down, we all went out to help gather small branches and somewhat assisted Daddy with repairing the fence. It was a man-day. It was also the perfect day for making a stew, something that needs to be slow cooked for several hours.
Monday we woke without power (not a big deal since we brought our phones with us) the house was freezing though and oddly enough the air was still.
Before Daddy left for work, smelling wonderful mouse might add, the power was restored and the house was heating up.
No time really to blog...There were errands to run, things to do and all the usual Monday madness.
I think you could write about painting drying and I would read it enthralled!
Baby to toddler - a hard adjustment, I call my girls my babies everyday still.
I do love a man who springs into action at the sign of peril. Mine does it too, sometimes when I'm not feeling threatened or aware. When I was mugged in a certain foreign city years ago, his rapid reflexes saved me from losing my bag. Men, just love them.
Stay away from trees. They have a life of their own just like us!
So glad you are safe. I had to chuckle that the trees are out to get you. And you're right…there is something wildly romantic that he protects and takes such amazing care of you and the children. YEA!!
I'm not a fan of trees either. Or wind. We had a bad storm a few summers ago that brought down half the trees in our neighborhood on cars and houses in the middle of the night. I was alone with the kids and the storm sirens failed to work, so I woke up to the sound of the storm hitting and the power going off. It was so loud -- I really thought our house was coming down. I don't think I slept very well the rest of that summer.
Glad you are all okay.
mouse, it's a pleasure to be back reading your posts. O's desire to keep you and youall's family safe does sound romantic. Hugs, K
Omega the caveman....dont know why but that tickled my sense of humour.
At least its down, your all safe, and you no longer have to worry about it any more.
and on a completely different random note, which came to mind due to a friend of mine getting married very soon, and is having 'obey' in her vows.....out of curiosity did you have 'obey' in yours?
You know, me and my chainsaw are always happy to make house calls!
(After chopping over 4000 pounds of downed limbs last year -- and yes, I have the dump receipts to prove the weight, ;-p -- I have become a chainsaw champ, lemme tell you...)
Thanks for the cookie shout-out, my friend.
omg that is SO romantic - shielding you with his body from falling paintings and chopping up evil trees so they can't get you!
I get you on that transition from baby to toddler - my own (last) baby is teetering (quite literally) on the brink of walking at the moment... It's wonderful, but at the same time, where did this last year go?!
(I've had a profile change btw, artist formerly known as mamacrow!)
Well she's been a toddler for a year's just taken mouse that long to admit it.
Again, Daddy might not be the MOST romantic man in the world, but without realizing it -- he often does the MOST romantic things.
Totally agree and gotta admit mouse will take that any day over a just romantic type that wouldn't notice potential danger...
Thank you!!! Seriously, ready to jump through the computer to give you a hug at the mention of not caring for trees or wind...
Bless you Aurora! Yes, Daddy took out the main tree, which is a good thing...But you should the ones on our neighbors property on the other side of our house...YIKES!
Thanks so much!!!!
the "Caveman" remark made him chuckle. Hope it was a good chuckle...
There's a lot of them still around (neighbors) but that one problem tree is now gone thankfully. He said there's another one that he'd like to take down too...But that can wait for spring.
You are certainly a woman who knows how to make things happen...That's a whole lot o limbs...Oy!
You paint too.....Hmmmmmm
*shoulder bumps and <3*
Thanks so much and yes it is totally romantic.
The baby was one last year....and mouse has spent the past year in heavy denial of her toddlerhood. Now she's two....and the denial is much harder...Because she's like a big girl in panties and everything...sigh....
Ya, it's not like she's going to be driving off to college....
But still it's hard because the years seem to go quickly. We take such pride over their first steps and then it seems like we spend the rest of their lives chasing them down...LOL
I'm not sure I like the glint I see in your eye... ;-p
You saw that? *blush*
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