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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Not an Average Post

Feeling a teeny bit disjointed today. This is possibly more of an explanation or a reason for the odd first person post by mouse on the companion blog, Mostly mouse. Daddy was watching something on television last night, about the September 11 attacks. Without saying a word mouse left the room, seeking a bit of refuge.

He came into the room asking, well rather demanding why mouse left and she, as is often the case couldn't find the words to describe why.

Why was this subject so very difficult for mouse.

So, she began to journal those complex thoughts -- to understand a little more about herself and the why. There arent any real answers found there, just a lot of personal reflections. Maybe an assortment of recollections as well.

The thing is, we keep waiting for things to get back to normal, to feel normal again. Twelve years have passed and some, perhaps most are still waiting to feel normal. To not have the world feel so different.

Maybe this is the period of adjustment, the time between the once familiar normal and the new normal of today?

That is oddly related to mouse's slavery to Master. To Daddy.



tori said...

Hmm i dont think things will ever be back to 'normal' and i think that in itself is a frightening just changed and impacted so much all over the world.

On a similar note, i have just finished reading a book The Slave Across The Street" by Theresa Flores, a true autobiographical account of how she became a captive as a sex slave, it upset me a lot, Master wasnt too happy i had read it because he knows stories (true ones) get to me.

It just makes me question what we do, i know reasonably the major difference is consent, i choose this, but still it played on my mind how i rave and embrace this way of life and for another its hell....i dunno it just upset me a lot...cried whilst reading it.

Sometimes what we see/read or even converse about triggers feelings in us that are not positive, and its best to shy away from such situations.


Unknown said...

I don't think anything will be the same as it was before 9/11. Normal has to be re- defined by each person

c said...

I think this is one of those things that is hard to grasp for someone outside the US. Why that particular tragedy, that particular violent attack, changed the world so completely. It's something about perspective, I guess, about things being closer or further away. But still, I remember where I was when I heard about it, on the other side of the world.But I get the feeling everytime it is referenced that there is layers upon layers of meanings that I don't understand.

Anyway, I managed to figure out that you are born the same year as my Mistress. For some reason that cheered me up a little.

Anonymous said...

Dearest mouse,
Sending you much love and light. Indeed, what we are left with is a new normal. For some things in life, there is only who you were before and who you became after.
Tori and mouse,
The comment i made above to mouse applies just as well to being a slave, consensual or not. Having been both, what is the biggest difference to me is how i feel about myself. The "trappings" are often similar but the feelings are not. There is life after many things and you can always find a way to define the new normal.

many hugs mouse,

saffy said...

leaving you a heap of hugs on your journey mouse. When i ask my One if things will ever be the same again, in situations/events that occur, He always says we are constantly evolving and changing and no day/page is ever the same. It is with consent that we in the lifestyle face the ways that our Ones decide will better us things, but yes but then this is normal to us.......... And no two normals are the same.
i think what helps me through these situations is the support that He gives and then being sent to explore in my mind why i feel the way i do...
Hope this makes sense

Anonymous said...


Thank you for sharing your feelings. Yesterday, I passed the new World Trade Center. It is magnificent. For years, the space was a tremendous empty whole. As humans, we somehow survive.

There is one big difference between your slavery and the outside world, you are loved by Daddy every day of your life.


dancingbarez said...

Just hoping you are feeling a bit better today. Hugs

Unknown said...

From what I have read so far in your blog it is apparent that you feel so deeply about issues and think about things carefully. I hope you can let go of or shelve the things we can know about but not change.
I do have a "newbie" question for you and hope you don't mind. What is the difference for you between daddy & master?
Wishing you a peaceful day.

Anonymous said...

Just curious:

Does it upset you to watch the news? Terrible grand scale disasters happen constantly, ungodly things are happening in Syria right now. Does 9/11 affect you more perhaps because it happened on American soil?

Feel Better.

Malcolm said...

Yes probably because is happened in USA. Remember, humans love fear, war, disaster - our bodies have evolved through millions of years to cope with danger and long periods of safety do not satisfy, they leave the coping systems unused. Hence the need for thoughts about it when the danger itself is lacking. Well, that's one way of seeing it!

mouse said...

Yes, you're right this is the new normal until the big thing happens.

Yes, it did, if you just look at the way we travel now, it's completely different.


mouse said...

Thanks for the comment and you're right also. It is defined by us.


mouse said...

Hugs c!

Thanks :)

mouse said...

Thank you jade there's a lot of wisdom in your words...

Big hugs and <3

mouse said...

Yes safy all true...

It's just an adjustment that we probably don't realize we're even making until the next big thing....

mouse said...

Oh thanks joey!

A lovely reminder...and you're right.

Hugs and <3

mouse said...

Actually getting those feelings out helped much...

Thanks're just a treasure!


mouse said...

Thanks Kate for your comment and really sorry its taken mouse so long to reply to it...

Honestly your question has perplexed mouse a bit. Guess it's simplest to say that "Daddy" just means that mouse feels safe, secure and loved.

To mouse really they're interchangeable in most instances...Sometimes mouse will say he's a mean highlight that she's not feeling very cherished....but even then....she knows she is..

Questions like that are NEVER easy....

Perhaps there's a future blog post in there somewhere...

mouse said...

Honestly mouse doesn't watch a whole lot of new evening news. It's usually smack dab when she's trying to cook dinner...

Malcolm Sir,

There is something to what you're saying, we do become rather complacent and apathetic.
